Medical Technology


The portfolio of medical technology offered is aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in several ways. First of all, these are high-quality and reliable monitors and computers that are able to faithfully capture the outputs of medical devices in operating theatres, as well as in post-operative examinations or check-ups. Although technology cannot replace the doctor-patient relationship, it can help in the often difficult decision-making process where every detail is crucial and must not be overlooked.

To make the work of doctors and nurses more efficient, handheld aids such as portable tablets are also available to make their work more efficient during routine daily tasks such as rounds or medication administration.

On the other hand, we do not forget about the patients and making their stay in the hospital more pleasant. With the help of PC-integrated displays, which allow the now common ways of connecting with the outside world, they can help in some cases the recovery process thanks to increased psychological comfort.

Premium Service

For critical deployments, we offer premium ON-SITE service (on-site warranty repair) and IN-TIME service (reduced repair and troubleshooting within a specified time).

Installation on site

We'll bring the device to you, plug it in, bring it to life and set up everything you need, including network connectivity for seamless communication with your existing systems.

Warranty Extension

For new equipment, it is possible to purchase a favourable extended warranty for 3, 4 and 5 years. In addition, combined with ON-TIME and IN-TIME service, you have almost nothing to worry about.
